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Roasted Radishes

Updated: Mar 28, 2021

Here on the Palouse, and across Idaho, radishes are one of the first foods (after spring greens like spinach, overwintered kale and pea and radish shoots) to arrive at farmers markets and in CSA boxes. Roasting removes the spicy, hotness of the raw radish and replaces it with a surprisingly mild sweetness.

Spring garlic scapes, usually available in June, compliment the radishes, perfectly. These garlic scapes are from Affinity Farm and the radishes from Hands and Hearts Farm. Order online and pick-up at the Motor-In Moscow Farmers Market or visit your local farmers market.

Ingredients 2 radish bunches 3 garlic scapes 2 tablespoons olive oil ¼ teaspoon salt ¼ teaspoon pepper

Instructions Preheat the oven to 400°F. Wash the radishes under cool running water to remove the dirt.  Trim off the tops and roots. Rinse radishes a second time, if needed, to remove any remaining dirt.  Cut small radishes into halves and large radishes into quarters.  Place into a medium-size plastic bag. Rinse the garlic scapes.  Cut into ½ inch (1 cm) pieces (I use the whole scape, including the unopened flower!).  Place in the bag with the cut radishes. Add olive oil, salt and pepper.  Hold end of bag closed.  Shake until radishes and scapes are evenly coated. 

Pour into a 9×13 glass casserole.  Place in the oven.  Roast for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.  When done, the rashes will be soft on the outside and slightly crunchy on the inside and the garlic scapes soft and slightly caramelized. Serve warm. 

Consider pairing this dish with cold green bean soup for a light lunch or using as a base for a roasted radish and feta salad.

Colette DePhelps is, above all, a local food enthusiast.  At home or abroad, she searches out and enjoys preparing and eating local, seasonal cuisine.  Now, at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she is busy preparing, eating and preserving the veggies from her two CSA subscriptions. Colette serves Idaho’s ten northern counties as a Community Food Systems Area Educator with University of Idaho Extension.

Local & regional ingredients #radishes #garlicscapes

Recipe type #sidedish


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