Superbly simple, this recipe has two ingredients: fresh green beans and butter.
1 pound fresh green beans
3 tablespoons butter (or substitute an oil of your choice)
Rinse beans and remove stems. Keep whole or cut to desired lengths. Melt butter in large frying pan over medium-high heat. Add beans – watch out, they may spit water when added to the pan. Sauté until cooked to your preference, stirring frequently. I cook mine until brown spots appear and the beans are slightly limp.
Season with salt and pepper. Serve immediately while hot.

Colette DePhelps is a local food enthusiast. At home or abroad, she searches out and enjoys preparing and eating local, seasonal cuisine. During summer, she enjoys the abundance from her two CSA subscriptions. Colette serves Idaho’s ten northern counties as a Community Food Systems Area Educator with University of Idaho Extension.
Local ingredients #greenbeans
Recipe type #sidedish